ScreenDeck - A Shelf for Your TV Things

Christmas Sales ScreenDeck - A Shelf for Your TV Things 201

Dec 15, 2011 21:15:12

Christmas ScreenDeck - A Shelf for Your TV Things Deals
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ScreenDeck - A Shelf for Your TV Things

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for ScreenDeck - A Shelf for Your TV Things <<

Christmas Sales ScreenDeck - A Shelf for Your TV Things Feature

  • Easy to Install
  • ScreenDeck is great for 37 inch - 47 inch flat screen televisions
  • ScreenDeck fits on flat screen TVs with 150mm to 400mm VESA standard screw hole patterns and M6 or M8 screw holes
  • Two cable management clips included
  • All mounting hardware included

Christmas Sales ScreenDeck - A Shelf for Your TV Things Overview

• ScreenDeck is an easy to install shelf for flat screen TV accessories. • ScreenDeck mounts easily on the VESA mount standard screw hole patterns on flat panel televisions. • Great for: Video Game Sensors, Small Media Players like Apple TV or Roku, Remotes, Webcams, Center Channel Speakers, HD Antennas, Digital Frames

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas ScreenDeck - A Shelf for Your TV Things ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

ScreenDeck - A Shelf for Your TV Things

Limited Offer Today!! ScreenDeck - A Shelf for Your TV Things Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Side Rails For Queen Bed

How Do I Know If I've Been Bugged?

Are you a potential target?

Speaker Wall Bracket

1. If eavesdropping on anything you say, write, or do could increase someone else's wealth or influence, then the answer is yes, you are a potential target.

Speaker Wall Bracket

2. Others know your confidential business or professional trade secrets.

This is the most obvious indicator of covert eavesdropping activities. Theft of confidential information is a multi-billion dollar underground industry in the United States. Often the loss of your secrets will show up in very subtle ways so you should always trust your instincts in this matter. When your competitors, associates or co-workers know things that are obviously private, or the media finds out about things they should not know, then it is reasonable to suspect technical eavesdropping or bugging.

3. Secret meetings and bids seem to be less than secret.

Confidential meetings and bids are very popular targets for corporate spies. How would you like the plans for the corporate takeovers you're planning to become public knowledge? Would copies of your product designs be of any use to your competitors? Would it be beneficial for your competitors to know how much you're quoting for the same project?

4. People seem to know your activities when they shouldn't.

5. You have noticed strange sounds or volume changes on your phone lines.

This is commonly caused by an amateur eavesdropper when they attach a wiretap, or activate a similar listening device. Surveillance devices often cause slight anomalies on the telephone line such as volume shift or drop-out. Professional eavesdroppers and their equipment usually do not make such noises; so if this is going on it could indicate that an amateur eavesdropper is listening in. On the other hand you could simply be experiencing a flaw in the line, but you should check it out.

6. You have noticed static, popping, or scratching on your phone lines.

This is caused by the capacitive discharge which occurs when two conductors are connected together (such as a bug or wiretap on a phone line). This is also a sign that an amateur eavesdropper or poorly trained spy is playing with your phone lines. It could be nothing more then a problem with your phone line or instrument. However, it should be checked out by using one of our RF Detectors.

7. Sounds are coming from your phones handset when it's hung up.

This is often caused by a hook switch bypass, which turns the telephone receiver into an eavesdropping microphone (and also a speaker). There is probably somebody listening to everything you say or do within twenty feet of the telephone (if this is happening).

8. Your phone often rings and nobody is there, or a very faint tone, or high-pitched squeal/beep is heard for a fraction of a second.

This is an indicator of a slave device, or line extender being used on your phone line. This is also a key indicator of a harmonica bug, or infinity transmitter being used. Of course it may also be nothing more then a fax machine or modem calling the wrong number. However, using one of our Telephone Line Analyzers. should check it out.

9. You can hear a tone on your line when your phone is on the hook (by using an external amplifier). Contact us!

10. Your AM/FM radio has suddenly developed strange interference.

Many amateur and spy shop eavesdropping devices use frequencies within or just outside the FM radio band, these signals tend to drift and will "quiet" an FM radio in the vicinity of the bug. Look for the transmissions at far ends of the FM radio band, and at any quiet area within the FM band. If the radio begins to squeal then slowly move it around the room until the sound become very high pitched. This is referred to as feedback detection or loop detection and will often locate the bug. The "stereo" function should be turned off so the radio is operating in "mono" as this will provide a serious increase in sensitivity. If you find a "squealer" in this manner then immediately Contact us!

11. Your car radio suddenly starts "getting weird"

Keep in mind that the antenna your car radio uses may be (and often is) exploited by an eavesdropper, and that such usage may interfere with radio reception (so be concerned if your automobile radio suddenly starts getting weird).

12. Your television has suddenly developed strange interference.

Television broadcast frequencies are often used to cloak a eavesdropping signal, but such devices also tend to interfere with television reception (usually a UHF channel). Televisions also "suck in" a lot of RF energy and because of this are very sensitive to any nearby transmitters (this is technically called "Bandwidth, and TV signals use a lot of it). Contact us! asap!

13. You have been the victim of a burglary, but nothing was taken.

Professional eavesdroppers often break into a targets home or office, and very rarely leave direct evidence of the break-in; however, occupants of the premises will often "pickup on something not being right" such as the furniture being moved slightly.

14. Electrical wall plates appear to have been moved slightly or "jarred".

One of the most popular locations to hide eavesdropping devices is inside, or behind electrical outlets, switches, smoke alarms, and lighting fixtures. This requires that the wall plates be removed. Look for small amounts of debris located on the floor directly below the electrical outlet. Also, watch for slight variations in the color or appearance of the power outlets and/or light switches as these are often swapped out by an eavesdropper. Also note if any of the screws which hold the wallplate against the wall have been moved from their previous position.

15. A dime-sized discoloration has suddenly appeared on the wall or ceiling.

This is a tell tale sign that a pinhole microphone or small covert video camera has been recently installed.

16. One of your vendors just gave you any type of electronic device such as a desk radio, alarm clock, lamp, small TV, boom box, CD player, and so on.

Many of these "gifts" are actually Trojan horses which contain eavesdropping devices. Be very suspicious of any kind of pen, marker, briefcase, calculator, "post-it" dispenser, power adapter, pager, cell phone, cordless phone, clock, radio, lamp, and so on that is given as a gift. That little gift the salesman left for you may be a serious hazard.

17. A small bump or deformation has appeared on the vinyl baseboard near the floor.

Strong indicator that someone may have concealed covert wiring or a microphone imbedded into the adhesive which holds the molding to the wall. Such deformation will often appear as a color shift, or lightening of the color.

18. The smoke detector, clock, lamp, or exit sign in your office or home looks slightly crooked, has a small hole in the surface, or has a quasi-reflective surface.

These items are very popular concealment for covert eavesdropping devices. Often when these devices are installed at a target location they are rarely installed without small tale-tale clues.

19. Certain types of items have "just appeared" in your office or home, but nobody seems to know how they got there.
Typical items to watch for and be aware of are: clocks, exit signs, sprinkler heads, radios, picture frames, and lamps.

20. White dry-wall dust or debris is noticed on the floor next to the wall.

A sign that a pinhole microphone or video camera may have been installed nearby. It will appear as if someone has dropped a small amount of powdered sugar either on the floor, or on the wall.

21. You notice small pieces of ceiling tiles, or "grit" on the floor, or on the surface area of your desk. Also, you may observe a cracked, chipped, or gouged ceiling tiles, or ones that are sagging, or not properly set into the track.

Prime indicator that a ceiling tile has been moved around, and that someone may have installed a hidden video camera or other eavesdropping device in your office or near your desk. Also watch for cracks or chips in the ceiling tiles. Amateur and poorly trained spies tend to crack or damage acoustical tiles. The ceiling tiles in any executive areas should never contain any cracks, nicks, gouges, or stains. Any ceiling tile that becomes damaged (for what ever reason) should immediately be replaced and the cause of the damage documented.

22. You notice that "Phone Company" trucks and utilities workers are spending a lot of time near your home or office doing repair work.

If you see the same or similar vehicles more then three times then you may have a serious problem (at least according to the U.S. State Department training course on counter surveillance).

23. Telephone, cable, plumbing, or air conditioning repair people show up to do work when no one called them.

A very common ruse which eavesdroppers use to get into a facility is to fake a utility outage, and then show up to fix the problem. While they are fixing "the problem" they are also installing eavesdropping devices. Some of the more popular outages involve power, air conditioning, telephone, and even the occasional false fire alarm.

24. Service or delivery trucks are often parked nearby with nobody (you can see) in them.

These vehicles are commonly used as listening posts, be very cautious of any vehicle, which has a ladder or pipe rack on the roof. Also, be wary of any vehicle, which has tinted windows, or an area, which you cannot see though (like a service van). The listening post vehicle could be any vehicle from a small Geo Tracker, Suburban, Blazer, Trooper, or Cargo Van. Look for any vehicle, which could conceal a person in the back or has tinted windows. Also, keep in mind that the eavesdropper may relocate the vehicle several times, so look around. Typically, eavesdroppers like to get within 500-750 feet from the place or person they are eavesdropping on.

25. Your door locks suddenly don't "feel right", they suddenly start to get "sticky", or they completely fail.

Prime evidence that the lock has been picked, manipulated, or bypassed. Try to always use biaxial locks with sidebars (such as ASSA or Medeco). Also, only use double sided deadbolts in all doors, and good quality window bars on all windows, and a good quality door bar on all doors not used as a primary entry doors.

26. Furniture has been moved slightly, and no one knows why.

A very popular location for the installation of eavesdropping device is either behind, or inside furniture (couch, chair, lamp, etc.) People who live or work in a targeted area tend to notice when furnishings have been moved even a fraction of an inch. Pay close attention to the imprint which furniture makes on rugs, and the position of lamps shades. Also watch the distance between furniture and the wall as eavesdroppers are usually in a hurry and rarely put the furniture back in the right place.

27. Things "seem" to have been rummaged through, but nothing is missing (at least that you noticed).

A "less than professional spy" will often rummage through a targets home for hours, but very rarely will they do it in a neat and orderly fashion. The most common "rummaging" targets are the backs of desk drawers, the bottom of file cabinets, closets, and dresser drawers.

28. An eavesdropper sends you a copy of your private conversations.

As simple as it seems this is the strongest indicator, and solid proof of eavesdropping. An eavesdropper will sometimes send a victim a copy of a private conversation they intercepted in an attempt at blackmail, or in an attempt to terrorize, or to just stalk the victim. This is commonly seen in civil lawsuits, criminal court cases, marital problems, shareholder disputes, custody battles, and other situations were one side has a position of weakness and is trying to physiologically undermine their opponent.

When contacting please remember not to call from any suspect area, do not use your cellular telephone, do not use your cordless phone, and do not use any suspect telephone (instead call from a sterile phone somewhere outside the suspect area).

Who Gets Bugged?

High Threat Business Situations

* Your company has stock, which is publicly traded (or will be soon)
* Your company is having labor problems, union activities, or negotiations
* Your company is involved in any type of litigation or lawsuit
* Your company has layoffs pending (or they have just happened)
* Your company is involved in the fashion, automotive, advertising, or marketing industry

Anyone can be the target of covert eavesdropping, however; some people are under greater risk than others because of financial position, occupation, legal, or domestic situation.

* Spouses bug each other on a regular basis

* Parents bug children

* Businessmen bug other businessmen

* Scientists bug other scientists

* Students bug professors

* Attorneys bug other attorneys (and their clients)

* Insurance companies bug accident victims, and other claimants

* Construction companies bug other construction companies

* Salesmen bug clients

* Collection agencies bug debtors

* Police officers bug suspects

* Executive recruiters bug personnel directors

* Rock fans bug rock musicians

* Department stores bug customers and merchandise

The Neighbors, Coworkers, Friends, Enemies, Strangers, Your Spouse, Industrial Spies, Government Agents, Your Insurance Company, Your Boss...

High Threat Personal Situations (When to be seriously concerned)

You (or someone close to you) have been:

* Involved in any type of litigation or lawsuit

* Been questioned, arrested or arraigned by the police

* In the process of getting married, divorced, or separated

* A minister or religious leader (ie: priest, rabbi, deacon, bishop, elder...)

* Running for any type of elected public office

* Elected to any public office (ie: mayor, selectman, school principal)

* Executive or scientist at any large company

* Recently filed a insurance claim

* Engaging in political demonstrations or activism

* Employed by a defense contractor, Department of Energy, etc...

* Private Investigators have been "poking" around

* You are in the upper income bracket

Keep in mind that anybody with Money, Power, Influence, or access to sensitive, classified, or personal information is at serious personal risk.

On a related note: If you work (or have worked) for any kind of military, governmental, law enforcement or judicial agency the possibility of you being targeted for eavesdropping is very high. Such eavesdropping can come from either side of the law, and is rarely legal or court sanctioned.

Additionally, people married to, associated with, divorced from, getting divorced from, dating, or getting intimate with a member of law enforcement, private security, PI, or any level of the judicial system should be concerned about illegal eavesdropping (yes, cops love to bug their wives and girlfriends).

High Threat Occupations

* Attorney

* Doctor

* Chiropractor

* Dentist

* Architect

* Police Officer

* Court Clerk

* Judge

* Elected to any public office

* Mayor

* Selectman

* School Principal

* College Professor

* Product Engineer

* Software Developer

* Executive at any large company

* Scientist at any large company

* Employed by any defense contractor

* Employed by the Department of Energy

* Any minister or religious leader (ie: deacon, bishop, elder...)

* Corporate Buyer or Purchasing Agent

* Employee of a Construction Contractor

* Any type Sales or Marketing

* Labor or Union Official

* Fashion

* Advertising

* Personnel Directors

According the FBI the following types of businesses are under EXTREME risk and are popular targets of illegal bugging, wiretapping, and similar surveillance:

* Materials: Materials synthesis and processing

* Electronic and photonic materials

* Ceramics

* Composites

* High-performance metals and alloys


* Flexible computer-integrated manufacturing

* Intelligence processing equipment

* Micro- and nanofabrication

* Systems management technologies

Information and Communications:

* Software

* Micro and optoelectronics

* High-performance computing and networking

* High-definition imaging and displays

* Sensors and signal processing

* Data storage and peripherals

* Computer simulation and modeling

Biotechnology and Life Sciences:

* Applied molecular biology

* Computational Chemistry

* Medical technology


* Aeronautics

* Surface transportation technologies

Energy and Environment:

* Energy technologies

* Pollution minimization, remediation, and waste management

How Do I Know If I've Been Bugged?
Speaker Wall Bracket

Christmas Sales Bose UFS-20 Universal Floor Stands (pair) - Black 201

Dec 14, 2011 00:13:55

Christmas Bose UFS-20 Universal Floor Stands (pair) - Black Deals
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Bose UFS-20 Universal Floor Stands (pair) - Black

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Bose UFS-20 Universal Floor Stands (pair) - Black <<

Christmas Sales Bose UFS-20 Universal Floor Stands (pair) - Black Feature

  • Elegantly displays Bose cube speakers
  • Slender stands hide wires
  • Pair of stands

Christmas Sales Bose UFS-20 Universal Floor Stands (pair) - Black Overview

Get the best sound with these exclusive Bose« cube speaker stands. There're just what you need to complete your home entertainment system! Color: Black

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Bose UFS-20 Universal Floor Stands (pair) - Black ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Bose UFS-20 Universal Floor Stands (pair) - Black

Limited Offer Today!! Bose UFS-20 Universal Floor Stands (pair) - Black Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Flip Video 1080P

Best Selling 42 Inch LCD Televisions

42" LCD televisions are becoming more and more popular these days, because there are many who want a big screen, but don't have the room for many of the behemoth televisions that are out there. Larger screen TVs are more expensive, and because 42" have started to come down in price, some as low as 0, this size is becoming more affordable.

Speaker Wall Bracket

Among the top brands of 42" screen TVs, Phillips, LG, and JVC continue to stand out, not only for popular features, but price as well. There are many other brands, Viewsonic, Toshiba, and others, but many of these are higher in price, and have the same features that cheaper models have. Here are a few of the top reasonably priced brands of 42" LCD televisions out on the market today.

Speaker Wall Bracket

Top of the list for affordability is the Philips 42PFL3704D/F7. This easy to use television is a full 1080p resolution picture which is incredibly sharp, and has Pixel Plus HD engine technology, and 29,000:1 contrast ratio. It also has three HDMI ports, so you can connect a variety of different external devices to it, such as a Blu-ray player, a camcorder, or your video game platform. It has a high quality sound system, and this is small yet powerful enough that you can use it without external speaker systems. The really nice thing about this sound on this system is that it has an automatic dampening feature, so if you are watching a program and a commercial comes on, it doesn't blow you out of your seat. This feature is really something every television, no matter what size or brand, should incorporate. It sells for just 8 at most retail outlets.

Another affordable 42" LCD is the LG 42LH30 HDTV. This flat screen LCD television also includes the 1080p display, for HD viewing. Not only does it have a 16:9 contrast ratio, but also a 3D Y/C comb filter for excellent picture quality. You also get ports for accessories, a sleep timer, as well as parental lock out feature so you can control the type of shows that your kids watch, even when you aren't there. It also comes standard in black, with a remote control. This unit can be found as low as 4.

The JVC LT-42P300 LCD TV is another great buy, and includes all the same features mentioned above, but also has a few extras the other don't have. One of them is a swing out I-Pod dock, and a blue diffuser for easier viewing. It also complies with the standard Energy Star ratings, has selectable modes for both the screen dimensions, but also for the built in surround sound, and has five different ports for hooking up all of your necessary electronic gadgets, like your Blu-ray player, gaming console, and camcorders. This unit sells for just around 0 at many retail outlets.

You can find these and many more items at many stores, both from local electronics dealers, as well as online. While you may find cheaper prices and a better selection with online retailers, you need to check the cost of shipping and factor that in as well. There are many local stores that have online sites, and you may find some of these will ship from site to store for free, saving you a lot of money in the long run.

Best Selling 42 Inch LCD Televisions
Speaker Wall Bracket

Toy Storage Bins Rack

LCD and Plasma Floor Stands

LCD and plasma television are now incredibly popular with millions of them being sold each year around the world. Because their light weight and sleek design many people prefer to hang them from the wall however for those who prefer to use floor based stands it can be difficult to identify the stand which best suits your needs. However, this guide will provide you with all the information you will ever need.

Speaker Wall Bracket

First and foremost LCD and plasma televisions are much thinner than old CRT televisions so the options available are much wider and the technological advancements now include inbuilt speakers and even fully 360 rotation plates. Stands which feature inbuilt speakers are commonly targeted at people who play console games regulary whilst swivel plates are designed for people who use their television within a large open plan living room. Enable them to watch the television fro where ever they are in the room.

Speaker Wall Bracket

The most popular form of floor standing LCD and plasma TV stands features a highly lacquered oak structure complete with glass shelves which make the DVD player and other accessories appear as though they are floating in thin air. This are also commonly designed in a corner aspect which places the TV in the corner of the room which provides a viewing angle for everyone in the room along with making a feature of an area of the room which as traditional been very difficult to fill and decorate.

The price of floor standing television stands can vary massively depending on the quality and mixture of the materials. The features and functionality will also make a large impact. For example speaker and swivel stands will cost far more than a simple pine stand which include a single top and bottom shelf. These units are considered budget shelves and are commonly used within student accommodation and in childrens bedrooms.

In summary, thanks to the development of thin televisions their has been a big explosion in the popularity of modern floor standing LCD and plasma television stands. These stands are available in wide range of materials with some also including functional features such as built in speakers and swivel plates. The value of the stand can also vary massively from £50.00 right through to £500.00.

LCD and Plasma Floor Stands
Speaker Wall Bracket

Christmas Sales Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black) 201

Dec 12, 2011 03:09:22

Christmas Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black) Deals
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Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black)

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black) <<

Christmas Sales Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black) Feature

  • Articulating wall mount bracket accessory for Definitive Technology speakers
  • Secure any speaker weighing up to 10 pounds that has a 1/4-20-thread insert
  • Compatible with ProMonitor 1000, ProCenter 2000 (2 required), Mythos Gem XL, ProMonitor 600; ProMonitor 800; ProCenter 600
  • Available in black or white
  • 2 per pack

Christmas Sales Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black) Overview

The ProMount 90 is allows you to wall mount your speakers and aim them toward your listening position for best sound quality. Sturdy construction allows the 90 to secure any speaker weighing up to 10 pounds that has a 1/4-20 thread insert. Available in black or white.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black) ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black)

Limited Offer Today!! Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black) Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Fluid Head Tripod

Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ

Christmas Sales Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ 201

Dec 11, 2011 04:36:01

Christmas Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ Deals
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Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ <<

Christmas Sales Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ Feature

  • Ideal for mounting home theater satellite speakers on walls or ceilings weighing 8 pounds or less
  • Made of durable, weather resistant, injection molded fiber resin reinforced polymer
  • Multiple tilt and swivel pivot points allow perfect directional speaker aiming
  • Designed to fit most home theater satellite speakers with one threaded mounting hole, two threaded mounting holes or keyhole mounting systems
  • All mounting hardware is included. There is no need to purchase additional hardware items

Christmas Sales Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ Overview

These brackets are also available in WHITE and in packages of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 brackets. Ideal for mounting home theater satellite speakers on walls or ceilings; Supports speakers weighing 8 pounds or less; Made of durable, weather resistant, injection molded fiber resin reinforced polymer; Multiple tilt and swivel pivot points allow perfect directional speaker aiming; Designed to fit all home theater satellite speakers with one threaded mounting hole, two threaded mounting holes or keyhole mounting systems; All mounting hardware is included. There is no need to purchase additional hardware items. Technical Details: Total product length (wall mount applications): 3.25 inches. Total product length (ceiling mount applications): 5.5 Inches. Designed to fit the following brands of home theater satellite speakers: Bose, Denon, Infinity, Insignia, Kenwood, LG, JVC, Onkyo, Panasonic, Philips, Pioneer, Samsung, Sony, Yamaha, Zenith and most other brands of satellite speakers. Included Items: Mounting brackets, ceiling extensions, allen wrench, instruction sheet as well as all adapters and hardware necessary to connect your speakers to the brackets and the brackets to the wall or ceiling.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ

Limited Offer Today!! Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Twin Beds Mattress

Top 4 Best Selling High Ranking Sound Bars Home Theater Systems

Some people prefer sound bars home theater over traditional home theater speakers. For those of you, we've compiled this list of the 4 best selling high ranking sound bars home theater systems available for purchase online. We highly recommend that you check them out.

Speaker Wall Bracket

Sony HT-CT150
Average User Rating: 4 out of 5 stars (based on 136 customer reviews)

Speaker Wall Bracket

If you're looking for that 3D surround sound experience without all of the annoying wires that can clutter up a room, then the Sony HT-CT150 is a great choice. You can easily mount this sleek looking sound bar directly to your TV, hang it on a wall, or stick it on a shelf. Realistic surround sound can be generated from just two front speakers with the Sony HT-CT150′s powerful 100% digital Sony S-Master amplifier and Digital Signal Processing technology.

Average User Rating: 4 out of 5 stars (based on 112 customer reviews)

If you are looking for a great quality system at an even better price then you'll definitely want to check out the VIZIO VSB200. At just under 0, this home theater offers a lot of bang for your buck. The VIZIO VSB200 provides cutting edge sound technologies with its SRS TruSurroundHD and features four 3 inch high efficiency hand built mid/bass transducers and two 3/4 inch high performance aluminum dome neodymium tweeters.

Sony HT-CT350
Average User Rating: 4 our of 5 stars (based on 45 customer reviews)

Another great product from Sony, the Sont HT-CT350 packs a little bit more punch than the previous contenders on this page as it emulates full 5.1-channel surround sound virtually with its 400-watt 3.1-channel speaker bar. This sound bar is also perfectly designed to integrate with Sony Bravia TVs as it features a bracket for direct mounting as well as a Monolithic matching design for clean aesthetics. Another great thing about this system is the ability to connect multiple devices via HDMI to your surround sound system as well as the ability to easily switch between them, and then connect everything to your HDTV with just one HDMI cable.

Boston Acoustics TVEEM20B TVee Model 20
Average User Rating: 4 out of 5 stars (based on 37 customer reviews)

One of the lesser known best selling sound bar systems is the Boston Acoustics TVEEM20B TVee Model 20. This sound bars home theater system connects to your HDTV with just one cable and conveniently works with any remote. The Boston Acoustics TVEEM20B TVee Model 20 was designed to compliment flat panel TV's of 32 inches in screen size and larger.

Top 4 Best Selling High Ranking Sound Bars Home Theater Systems
Speaker Wall Bracket

Christmas Sales Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black) 201

Dec 10, 2011 05:52:46

Christmas Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black) Deals
Click for larger image and other views

Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black)

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black) <<

Christmas Sales Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black) Feature

  • Articulating wall mount bracket accessory for Definitive Technology speakers
  • Secure any speaker weighing up to 10 pounds that has a 1/4-20-thread insert
  • Compatible with ProMonitor 1000, ProCenter 2000 (2 required), Mythos Gem XL, ProMonitor 600; ProMonitor 800; ProCenter 600
  • Available in black or white
  • 2 per pack

Christmas Sales Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black) Overview

The ProMount 90 is allows you to wall mount your speakers and aim them toward your listening position for best sound quality. Sturdy construction allows the 90 to secure any speaker weighing up to 10 pounds that has a 1/4-20 thread insert. Available in black or white.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black) ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black)

Limited Offer Today!! Definitive Technology Pro-Mount 90 (Pair, Black) Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Metal Bed Side Rails Toy Storage Bin Sealy Plush

A Coffee Table Clock Can Make All The Difference To A Room

Within our homes we have pieces of furniture which are purely functional and do not serve any real aesthetic purpose, they are just in our homes to serve a purpose. We don't really think too much about these pieces of furniture and neither do our guests. Sometimes these items of furniture can be quite nice pieces but they might just lack something to set them off, and this thing to set them off doesn't have to be anything too spectacular. Maybe an ornament would do the trick, but cheap ornaments look exactly that, cheap. A bowl of fruit or a water feature is a possibility but they are a bit old hat now.

Speaker Wall Bracket

Most of us have a coffee table in our living rooms, these come in many different shapes and sizes but they all have one thing in common, they are pretty plain. One way of brightening up your coffee table is with the addition of a clock. These can be placed in the centre of the table as a feature and can work well to break up the angles of the table. But what coffee table clock is right for your table? If you chose the right clock for your coffee table you can make a really bold statement without too much effort, a stated time piece will make a fantastic difference to a table of any type.

Speaker Wall Bracket

Different clocks suit different tables, newer more trendy and fashionable tables are more suited to having a metallic and chrome style coffee table clock on them to accentuate the lines and materials the have gone to make up the table, whereas an older table, perhaps made of wood including pine, teak, mahogany or oak are best suited to a carriage style clock that gives a more regal and stately look to the table.

Ideally you want a clock and table that compliment each other to the degree that they both add something to the appearance of each other. A table that looks nice can bring the best out of a coffee table clock, and the same goes for a nice looking clock. Clocks which have a chime mechanism o them are a nice feature to have on a coffee table clock, these add a certain amount of atmosphere and dignity to a clock and can give a clock the appearance of being a more expensive time piece than it is.

The shape of the coffee table should play a big part in the type of clock that you choose to go for. Coffee tables come in shapes and sizes and it is important that you get a clock that best suits the shape of the table as well as the material that the table is made of. A small domed shaped clock looks rather nice when placed as a centre piece on a medium sized round coffee table. It's important to get the proportion of the clock right against that of the table. A clock that is too large for a coffee table can just give the impression of something that has been placed there waiting to be moved on to somewhere different. It is not that difficult to find a clock to suit your coffee table, clocks are available in many different styles and price brackets.

A Coffee Table Clock Can Make All The Difference To A Room
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